Newborn Sessions
Up to 1 hour and 30 minutes*
Unlimited seating & poses
20 Edited images
1 set of color & classic edits
Online Sneak Peeks
1 copyright USB with edited images**
1 location in Porterville***
*$25 for each additional 30 minutes*
**Unedited photos available upon request only**
***Available for travel for additional fees***
Call or Text (559) 310-5918
Book Your Session Today!!!
Please know that newborn sessions are a lot longer then other sessions this is the reasoning for the price. The session is triple the standard time limit due to babies just having a mind of their own! It is always best to book a session within the first week that they are born or sooner! Also once they are born to more or less have an idea when is the best time to have an idea when they are asleep to book the session around that time. I am still working on getting better at my newborn sessions so I am not baby pro. This session is typically a solo session but I will allow parents to be in photos as well at no additional cost. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.